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Kampala International Church

Kampala International Church is a non-denominational, kind of free baptistish, vineyardy community where you can truly come as you are, worship freely, share something from the Bible, find a community of faith and encounter the love of Jesus Christ! Oh, and kids will probably love worshipping here too. KIC has three congregations, each with its own flavor but with a shared purpose as an “all-nations group of believers who seek to experience and share the Kingdom of God in today’s Kampala”.

Our History

Kampala International Church, an all-nations group of Christians, started as a house fellowship in 1998. In December 2001 the Fellowship moved to Heritage International School and subsequently became Kampala International Church. Following rapid growth in congregation size in 2010 a second congregation was planted in Bugolobi. A third congregation was planted in Lubowa in 2012.

Our Mission

KIC is an all-nations group of Christians seeking to experience and share the Kingdom of God in today’s Kampala.

Our Values

KIC exists to glorify God through: Reaching up in worship, developing a life-changing vision of God’s greatness and His glory; Reaching deeper in discipleship, living a life worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God; Reaching pastorally, providing support, particularly through house-groups, that enables each individual to realise their potential in Christ; Reaching out in evangelism, encouraging and equipping every believer to share the Gospel in Uganda; Reaching further through the practical sharing of the compassion of Christ; Reaching forward to the next generation, helping bring them to faith in Christ and equipping them to live out their faith as they make the transition toward adulthood.

What We Do

Preaching, Discipleship, Children’s & youth ministry, Bible study & prayer groups, Women’s ministry, Charity/social action.