
Crossworld is a formative community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces.

Our History

Our story begins in 1931 when Crossworld, originally Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM), began sending workers to the nations.

BRAZIL – When a chief witchdoctor named Elká in Brazil chose to follow Jesus, UFM workers watched God transform not just individual lives but entire villages in the name of Christ.

CONGO – In 1964, Simba rebels killed 19 UFM missionaries. Since then, some of the rebels and thousands of others have been transformed by the gospel, and relatives of the martyrs have returned to serve in Congo, acting on their forgiveness.

PAPUA – UFM made national headlines on the cover of Time magazine in 1982 when thousands of Dani people burned their fetishes and turned to Christ in a miraculous movement of God in Papua, Indonesia.

TODAY – We changed our name to Crossworld in 2004, and today, we have more than 300 disciple-makers in more than 35 countries around the globe.

God has so orchestrated events that the whole world wants to learn the language we speak, the most least-reached people are flocking to megacities that are just a plane ride away, and the good news we carry offers the abundant life that everyone desperately seeks.

Our Mission

Crossworld is a formative community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces.

Our God-sized mission takes a team spirit of caring for one another. We shape each other and make each other better disciples and better disciple-makers.

We’re not the religious elite. We simply live and love like Jesus and help others to do the same. Wherever our lives happen, we love people and share God’s transforming truth.

Our diverse skills and occupations give us influence across all industries and spheres of society. But in one area we’re the same: mission. Our gospel-centered mindset is the same in every setting, every day of the week.

Most of the billions of unreached people live in bustling cities where great need and great opportunity await. Wherever people have the fewest opportunities to experience Jesus, that’s where we want to be.

Our Values

We love God with our whole being, prizing his character, his Word, obedience, and prayer.

We love people as ourselves, exhibiting God’s heart for community, harmony, diversity, and collaboration.

We make disciples as a way of life, prioritizing relationships with God and with people, nurtured in loving community.

We strive for excellence, with professionalism, action, and results by creative, skilled, and joyful team players.

We embrace change with confidence, believing that innovation and critical thinking make us better.

What We Do

For most of the history of missions, most believers have been relegated to a behind the scenes support role when it comes to the Great Commission. We have said, “You can pray, and you can give. But leave the full-time missionary task to religious professionals.”

Meanwhile, the world has changed. Many least-reached peoples live in countries inaccessible by a historic approach of sending vocational religious workers. In recent years, Crossworld recalibrated its vision and mission to seek and send disciple-makers from all professions.

Today, Crossworld has more than 275 cross-cultural workers in 30 different countries committed to disciple-making and the development of the church through many diverse professions. These include sports, medicine, manufacturing, education, business, youth and children’s ministry, vocational missionary work and much more.

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