World Orphans

Do you find it unacceptable that there are 153 million orphans worldwide?

If so, we are looking for you!

We are in need of passionate people who have a heart for orphans around the world. We believe that everyone has a responsibility and an ability to do something to care for orphans and vulnerable children. Our job is to help you discover that purpose and to take action as an orphan advocate!

Whether through short-term missions, U.S.-based advocacy, or our many other options, you can make a lasting impact in the lives of children around the world.

Our History

World Orphans was founded in 1993 when a group of friends started a foundation to answer God’s call to care for orphaned and vulnerable children by helping a church outside Nicaragua’s capital city of Managua care for orphans living on the streets. Much has been learned over the past 20+ years – models of care have grown and evolved – but our commitment to the local church remains strong.

Our Mission

OUR VISION: To empower the church to care for orphans – until they all have homes!

OUR MISSION: We equip, inspire, and mobilize the church to care for orphans and vulnerable children. Churches engaged. Children restored. Communities transformed by the Gospel of Christ.

Our Values

We are dependent on God, passionate about what we do, and committed to partnership.

We value relationships, humility, grace, family, the wholistic care of children and our staff, and are striving to do ministry with excellence.

What We Do

As part of our Home Based Care Initiative, ministry teams from local churches mentor and disciple families that have taken in orphans. United States churches come alongside international churches to form relationship-focused church-to-church partnerships. It is through these partnerships that children and families receive wholistic care (physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual).

Though church-to-church partnerships are the basis of our ministry, we seek to engage individuals and groups as well. There are opportunities for all ages and stages, groups and individuals, those willing to travel and those who like to stay home.

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