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Our goal and mission at Mission Finder is to provide every Christian organization in the world a FREE profile page on our search friendly website building reliable network of christian organizations for users to discover their quest to fulfill God’s will. 

Mission Finder’s mission is to list every Christian organization in the world on one website to network with the Christian community.

We provide every organization with its own web page to document its efforts and help each organization carry out its mission by connecting them with local volunteers, global missionaries, and financial donors. In turn, we encourage individual users of the website to discover God’s will for their life by connecting them with the organizations listed on Mission Finder.

Member organizations can expose their organization and missions to the thousands of monthly visitors to their profile pages on Mission Finder.

By building a customized profile with photos, videos, organizational descriptions, and contact information, members can receive inquiries about their programs and services from users who wish to support their cause or join their mission.

Organizations are also able to create additional mission profiles to recruit volunteers for mission trip opportunities and to gain awareness, and increase visibility, for upcoming or ongoing mission projects.