Mission Finder Podcasts

Shape Your Vision – Commentary and Discussion of Day 6

shape your vision

Hosts: Andrew Michael Arroyo & Don Nava

In the fast pace of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of your true purpose. How do you discover and fulfill God’s will for your life? This is the focus of the latest Mission Finder episode, where Andrew and guest Don Nava explore Day Six of a 30-day devotional journal designed to help you shape your vision.

The episode offers valuable spiritual insights, drawing from biblical principles and the fivefold ministry to help you align your personal vision with God’s plan. Andrew begins by sharing Matthew 6:33: “Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously,” setting the tone for a discussion on prioritizing God’s kingdom as a foundation for shaping your vision.

Don Nava shares his personal experience of receiving a vision from God and the patience required for it to unfold. His story emphasizes the importance of trusting the Holy Spirit’s timing, noting that “The Holy Spirit’s pace is a lot different than our pace.” This serves as a reminder that our spiritual journey often demands patience and trust.

The episode also explains the fivefold ministry—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—and how these roles contribute to the body of Christ. Understanding your spiritual gifts is key to finding your place in the church and fulfilling your divine calling.

Practical steps for shaping your vision include prayer, meditation, and creating space to hear God’s voice. Andrew and Don emphasize a repeating process: “Ask, listen, receive instruction, and do it all over again,” to keep your vision aligned with biblical principles.

If you’re feeling uncertain about your mission, this episode offers a roadmap for discovering your God-given talents and aligning your vision with the Great Commission. As Andrew says, “Your vision of the destination helps you pave the path of your mission.”

Take a moment to tune in and reflect. Whether you’re seeking clarity or looking to deepen your spiritual journey, Mission Finder provides the inspiration and guidance to move forward with faith and confidence.

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