Honduras October 2024

San Luis is a beautiful mountainous village located in central Honduras where Evangelistic Faith Missions has been building a medical facility of excellence to serve a large catchment area of patients who, otherwise, would have no access to healthcare. This HEARTFIRE mission team is expected to serve in the following capacities: Surgical Clinics and OR […]

HONDURAS August 2024

As a missionary, you will be part of a team of like-minded volunteers, engaging in needed community projects such as building initiatives, school/church repairs, home visitation, youth programming, ministry, etc. All ages and levels of experience are welcome to apply. If you are an individual looking to join a mission trip, please see the links […]

August Mission Trip

We are looking for volunteers of all ages and experience to help us repair a small village school in northern Honduras. We will also have plenty of time to get to know the students, their families, and the other villagers. Please consider joining us for a life-changing experiencing working with some of the most joyful […]

Belize Mission Trip

Belize is known as the Jewel of the Caribbean. The only English-speaking country in Central America, Belize has a warm and welcoming population of only 380,000 people. With a per capita income of less than $8,000US, many families find food and education beyond their means. Churches and schools often do not have all the resources […]

Costa Rica Medical Mission

Our medical team of nurses, nursing students, and allied healthcare professionals will provide home health visits, and offer free general medicine clinics in communities of need identified by the country’s Ministry of Health.

Global Builders El Salvador

A Global Builders trip to El Salvador gives the opportunity to help build homes with local families, learn about El Salvador, and make cross-cultural friendships. The trip will also support the local economy, provide jobs to locals, and offer life-changing experiences to everyone involved. The Fuller Center has been building in El Salvador since 2008, […]

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