CLC International (formerly Christian Literature Crusade) is an evangelical, interdenominational world mission. In the United States we are registered as a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization. This organization was founded in England in 1941 and has its international headquarters there today.  

Beluga Bible Translation

Beluga Bible Translation ministry is service to Jesus Christ by making modern translations of the Holy Bible using original language sources of Hebrew and Greek and localized weights and measures.

Ethnos360 Bible Institute

We’re a Christian missions school & base training students in missions, media, and marketplace ministry for the purpose of finishing the Great Commission. Today there remain billions of people who have not heard the Gospel. We want to change that! The Lord has given us a vision and mandate to train and release thousands of […]

Resources for your Mission from Church Growth. Providing Christian growth resources for over 38 years. Our goal is to provide the best tools and resources to serve Christians everywhere. Discover over 700 Biblical Christian growth, discipleship and leadership resources. Use our Online Spirit Gifts Survey to discover your God given talents. Check it out here.

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