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Academics In Asia

Academics in Asia (AIA) is the exclusive recruiting branch of a large private University in East Asia who employs the most foreign faculty of any school in country. We do refer teachers to sending organizations but do not require teachers to fundraise. The host schools provide flights and salary for ESL and Business teachers. Contracts are from mid-August to mid-June every year with 12-14 weeks holiday each year.

Our History

Created to help recruit new teachers for secular universities in East Asia. 2011 AIA recruited and trained 52 new teachers. A hiring committee of like-minded foreign faculty formed that first year to screen, advise, train and welcome new teachers.

Our Mission

AIA seeks to find teachable role models to join our team of faculty in universities in East Asia. AIA outsource to sending agencies to provide cross-cultural training and emotional/relational support. AIA also connects our faculty to orphanages and other non-profit volunteer opportunities.

Our Values

Taste Culture. Travel Asia. Teach Academics. Touch Lives. These eight words summarize our values and goal to develop servant leaders of integrity who will be Asian nationals leading their countries for generations to come.

What We Do

Academics In Asia is an overseas foreign faculty recruiting network. AIA is funded by secular universities who need teachers, yet we are led by foreigners on a mission to impart into the next generation of Asian leaders.