Africa Renewal University

Africa Renewal University exists to prepare Africa’s future leaders to face the challenges created by years of wars, child abductions, corruption, and poverty. Our diverse programs are built upon academic rigor and the powerful message of the Gospel. Watch the video below to learn more about the purpose of and the heart behind our University.

Our History

Africa Renewal University (originally Gaba Bible Institute) was founded based on Africa’s great need for Christian leaders to rise up to share the compassion of Christ and the gospel of hope in a society that is desperately longing for transformation. In January 2007, the school began with 35 students and a commitment to equip Christian leaders for the transformation of society. Today, there are over 150 students from 45 different tribes in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan, Eritrea and Kenya who are being equipped as leaders in ministry and community development.

Our Mission

We commit ourselves to develop a new generation of Christian leaders whose lives are transformed by rigorous study of Scripture, impassioned love for God, and faithful service to the nations as the body of Christ.

Our Values

We are a CHRIST-CENTERED educational center
We practice INTEGRITY and encourage ACCOUNTABILITY in every aspect of life
We pursue EXCELLENCE by setting high standards in our academics and ministry
We practice biblical STEWARDSHIP with our time, talents and treasures
We embrace COMMUNITY by living and working in unity to fulfill God’s purpose for the body of Christ
We seek to develop a GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE of the body of Christ as we equip leaders for the developing African context.

What We Do

Africa Renewal University is Committed to:

Developing influential leaders who boldly stand against theological err and immorality, understand the African context in which they live, and cultivate long-lasting and self-sustaining ministries.

Sound theology in the context of twenty-first century African culture. Our goal is to ground our students in a Biblical doctrine while balancing it with real ministry to others in the community.

An atmosphere of local church ministry. The emphasis of ARU is to provide practical training in the context of the local church rather than in academic research. Students are taught to serve the Lord alongside the faculty and pastoral staff in the midst of a real community.

Hands-on Training. At ARU, we are committed to teaching students to love work while giving them the practical and professional skills they will need to excel in the workplace.

Missions-oriented students with a heart for the lost world around them. Students will have the opportunity to participate in local and cross-cultural missions as well as partner with local and global missionaries through seminars and service opportunities.

An affordable, high quality, and theologically sound education which will not discourage students from being equipped to serve as ministers of the Gospel.

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