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Center for Intercultural Training

CIT began in 1998 as a partnership of organizations dedicated to working together to provide quality pre-field training for cross-cultural workers in the areas of cultural understanding and adaptation. language acquistion and spiritual formation.

Our History

CIT began in 1998 as a partnership of organizations dedicated to working together to provide quality pre-field training for cross-cultural workers in the areas of cultural understanding and adaptation. language acquistion and spiritual formation.

Our Mission

To glorify God by preparing and equipping cross-cultural workers with the missiological, biblical, and personal tools needed for strategic and effective cross-cultural ministry.

Our Values

Training Values
• Rely on God and the work of the Holy Spirit as these are essential for heart transformation resulting in effective ministry.

• Work together as individuals and organizations as this models Kingdom values

• Build trust through esteeming one another, servant attitudes, open communication, loving relationships, and shared values

• Treat each participant, organization, partner, and staff member with respect and value

• Support integration of learning for the whole person and family through life-on-life relationships in community.

• Pursue calling, character, and experience in staff as they represent the curriculum.

• Engage in ongoing and sustained improvement in staffing, program, and facilities.

• Value and depend upon volunteers who invest their time, talents, and money.
• Operate within a break-even status with monies spent based on available resources

• Continually explore and test new ideas, methods, and tools to increase impact and effectiveness

Organizational Values
• Emphasize spiritual resources available in Christ and the gospel to lead to ongoing heart transformation, grateful worship, and a fruitful life and ministry

• Biblical, missiological, personal and spiritual dynamics are integrated throughout the curriculum

• Make learning highly reflective, relational, participative, and interactive in a safe and encouraging environment for all age levels

• Implement instructional methods that are appropriate for learners and learner goals

What We Do

CIT equips people and churches around the world for more fruitful and effective cross-cultural ministry. Studies have shown that when people are trained in how to understand, adapt to, and live well in other cultures they produce more fruit for the Kingdom and last longer in ministry than those without it. This is the goal for pre-field training and debrief through CIT Residential training program.