Change African Child International

Our History

Change African Child International – CACI is an indigenous Ugandan voluntary NGO founded in 2012 and registered with the NGO Board File No. MIA/NB/2012/11/4765. CACI operates in Uganda with a vision of A Society where child rights are respected and all children living dignified lives.
Since 2012 CACI has been caring out various interventions in addressing the plight of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children, youth and women in Uganda.

Our Mission

CACI exists to socially and economically empower families and communities to holistically address child rights.

Our Values

Core Values

Respect of Child Rights
Team spirit and Commitment.

What We Do

We help to change the lives of children through education in the rural areas of Mukono district. The learning center/school project is located in the rural Mukono. Often, these children with their vulnerability and coming from poor families are left with no one to attend to them in areas of reading, writing, counting and sports making their lives and future miserable to have a full potential of life.
We also carry on Adult literacy to women and men who didn’t not go to school during their age of young therefore we provide reading, writing and numeracy to the adults in groups in different locations in the communities in 3 levels that is level 1,2,&3 and at the end of the three level group formation is our target to assist the member defend their own rights, be in position to join leadership at local level and also to support their children in school take home work monitoring etc.
CACI has got programms for the young girls out of school before completion of formal education and join Tailoring in fashion and design work, Hair dressing, computer skills learning, soap making, craft work.
Also charity events community work and outreaches

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