Churches of Christ Medical Santo

Churches of Christ Medical Santo is a private, not for profit medical aid organization established to provide primary health services to the northern region of Vanuatu. Operating in partnership with Churches of Christ Queensland (Australia), the clinic is located in the town of Luganville on the island of Espiritu Santo and aims to provide high quality medical services to the local Ni-Vanuatu, expatriate locals and foreign visitors.

Our History

Operating with support from Churches of Christ in Queensland, New Zealand and Vanuatu it secures funding from a variety of sources. Medical Santo is based in the town of Luganville on the island of Santo in Vanuatu and aims to provide high quality medical services to the local Ni-Vanuatu community, expatriate locals, and foreign visitors and tourists.

Our Mission

Our Mission “Changing lives in Northern Vanuatu” • Our mission is to change the lives of all those we come in contact with in a positive way. • We aim to show the love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ through a medical mission platform. • Our aim is to provide quality medical care that the communities in Northern Vanuatu can access . • Vanuatu is a developing country in the South Pacific and struggles to maintain and fund health services to it’s growing population. Most of the services that we in the western world take for granted. • Churches of Christ Medical Santo aims to assist the people of Vanuatu by using medical volunteers to work, mentor, educate and provide health services and resources.

Our Values

1. Medical Santo exists to provide the people of Northern Vanuatu with a medical clinic service using visiting medical officers, nursing and paramedical staff and locally trained medical professionals. The practice concentrates on primary health care with general practitioner consultations, pediatrics, women’s Health, diabetes, hypertension, wound management and oral hygiene

What We Do

1. Medical Santo exists to provide the people of Northern Vanuatu with a medical clinic service using visiting medical officers, nursing and paramedical staff and locally trained medical professionals. The practice concentrates on primary health care with general practitioner consultations, paediatrics, women’s Health, diabetes, hypertension, wound management and oral hygiene. This may also include emergency medical treatment, pre hospital and pre clinic response and treatment (as the service can be activated for emergencies outside the regular clinic hours). Our vision is for a healthier Vanuatu with reduced mortality and morbidity by “Changing Lives” both physically and spiritually.

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