About Us
The Gateway Training Center was birthed in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ’s calling to train believers for cross-cultural ministry.
With over 30 years of ministry experience within the Mediterranean Region (North Africa, Middle East and Southern Europe), we have seen many men and women called to the region and took steps of faith to minister to the people of the region. But not all who came to the region received adequate training and experience before their ministry started, and many left the field soon after arriving because of a lack of Biblical understanding and contextualization, unable to adapt to a new context, and/or unable to communicate with those they are serving in a cross-cultural context.
The Gateway Training Center is part of EME Ministries and is hosted by Glyfada Training Center. We believe in the importance of the local church in all cross-cultural ministries (both the sending church of the cross-cultural worker and the local church within the hosting context) and working in teams and partnerships, and therefore we partner with several other churches and ministries in Athens and the region to provide the programs for the center, especially the supervised practical experience.