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Global Outreach Developments International

Equipping A Globally Conscious Community To Serve The Poor And Marginalized Through Education, Advocacy And Empowerment, Demonstrating Unconditional Love.

Our History

Global Outreach Developments International has been serving as a Community Service Organization since 1996, a Third World Development Agency sinde 1997 and an Educational Institution since 2004.

Our Mission

Equipping a globally conscious community to serve the poor and marginalized through education, advocacy and empowerment, without discrimination, demonstrating unconditional love.

Our Values

Vision Statement We are a movement that transplants communities of global denizens, who in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, embody the ethics of justice and freedom to bring about societal transformation where education and autonomy exist for all, without discrimination.

We do not value popular American ideals associated with violence, domination, neocolonialism and the attitude that the country has favored nation status with God and is unaccountable to the voice of the global community. Instead, as an educated community who values the preservation of life as governed by the ethical teachings of the bible, we will empower global citizens to implement the justice of God in their societies, through non-violent activity focused on education and capacity development of the poor and marginalized, as demonstrated in the life and message of Jesus of Nazareth.

What We Do

Get Equipped. Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say?” Jesus question to his followers is still relevant today. How many disciples of Christ are doing what they want to do, instead of what he says? And worse, don’t know the difference? Don’t be one of those people! Be a disciple of Jesus who both “hears” and “does.”

Get Vision. As a result of intensive times of Bible study, worship, and prayer, you will get God’s vision for the world. God’s vision for the coming of his Kingdom. God’s vision for the mission of his people – the disciples of his Son, Jesus. Once you get this, the whole world changes. Literally. The whole world will change!

Live a Mission. When Jesus said, “follow me,” he wasn’t inviting you into a religion. He was inviting you into a life full of adventure! This great joy doesn’t come without a struggle, but Jesus the author and model for our faith (Hebrews 11:1, 2) leads us into a life acceptable to God where blind see, deaf hear, lame walk, lepers are cleansed, dead are raised to life, and the poor have the gospel preached to them! (Matthew 11:5)