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Grindstone Lake Bible Camp

The purpose of this organization is to provide a camping program of a spiritual nature. Derived from this purpose are the following correlated purposes:

To reach the unbeliever for Christ;  To help the believer to grow spiritually and socially;  To create interest in missions, evangelism, and spiritual growth through Bible teaching and Christian music;  To further the cause of a Christian camping program through recreation and other related activities;  To strengthen the fellowship among the cooperating churches.

Our History

“The Fundamentalist Young Peoples Bible Conference” was born and the cost was $2.00 for the week. On June 6, 1932, D. W. Thompson told the members present that the pavilion and two cottages at the south end of Grindstone Lake were available for a rental of $35.00 for the week of June 20-27. So it was decided to change from Yellow Banks to Grindstone Lake.

A cottage was also rented from Mrs. Jameson for $4.00. June 20th arrived and what we know as Grindstone Lake Bible Camp came into existence with 88 registered campers from 14 churches, and 12 pastors and group leaders, making a total of exactly 100. The policy of having all age groups in one camp continued for years until the number attending eventually became so great that the age groups had to be divided and additional weeks of the camp held.

Our Mission

Our mission, as Grindstone Lake Bible Camp, is to build the global church by serving as the evangelical arm of the local church through a shared mission of charting the course to Christ.

Our Values

To be respectful of our denominational diversity.
Grindstone Lake Bible Camp is an evangelical organization called the GLBC Association.
Member churches represent the Evangelical Free Church of America, the Presbyterian Church of
America, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Baptist General Conference and Independent. It is
safe to say that campers come from a much broader background than these, such as no church,
Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, etc. GLBC takes no position on baptism or communion,
nor does it practice these ordinances. Furthermore, it takes no position on the particulars of
eschatology. It is also a non-charismatic ministry. GLBC exists to teach the fundamental basics
of gospel truth, call young people to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, to teach the basics of
Christian living and trust the power of God’s Word and Spirit to minister God’s transformation
grace in the lives of sinners.
To keep the cost affordable, so that no one is turned away because of cost.
Our registration fees cover our staff and food costs which is about 60% our budget. Everything
else comes from donations or other income. Be thankful to many people who contribute to the
To model a lifestyle that is according to the message we proclaim.
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.
And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:9-NIV)
“For our gospel did not come to you simply with words, but also with power and the Holy Spirit
and with deep conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for
your sake.” (Thessalonians 1:5-NIV)
Our commitment is to live the “Christian Life” with integrity before them and to explain the
gospel with crystal clarity. Through this, it is our prayer that many will accept the gift, which
God has provided for them.
To be relentless about safety everywhere.
Be conscious of everyone in every area. Be aware of any possible dangerous situations. If you
are not sure, assume the worst. If we are not safe, we cannot operate.

What We Do

The purpose of this organization is to provide a camping program of a spiritual nature. Derived from this purpose are the following correlated purposes: To reach the unbeliever for Christ; To help the believer to grow spiritually and socially; To create interest in missions, evangelism, and spiritual growth through Bible teaching and Christian music; To further the cause of a Christian camping program through recreation and other related activities; To strengthen the fellowship among the cooperating churches.