Imanuel Christian School Situbondo

Founded in 1990, the school based its Vision on Christian Values, and adopted Indonesian Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka).

Our History

Founded in 1990, the school based its Vision on Christian Values, and adopted Indonesian Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka).

Our Mission

As part of the Situbondo community, Immanuel Christian School wishes to create a better city through family-oriented educational services based on the truth of Christ, in order to form complete human beings who have a spirit of fear of God and faith, character and develop with unique interests, talents and potential.

Our Values

– Sense of Community based on Christian Values of Building a stromh Family-Connection
-Fear of the Holy Spirit

What We Do

The school provide educational services from kindergarten until secondary, and provide professional development for teacher to grow their skills in teaching.

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