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International Friendships Inc

1973: The vision began to reach international college students
1976: The vision formalized for reaching international students at Ohio State University
1977: emphasis increased to reach international students
1979: IFI is founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
1980: Ministry Development
1990-1999: Growth; Children's services, Ethnic Group Service, Focus on volunteers, and more
2000s: Expansion of Sites and Services
History Timeline:

Our History

1973: The vision began to reach international college students
1976: The vision formalized for reaching international students at Ohio State University
1977: emphasis increased to reach international students
1979: IFI is founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
1980: Ministry Development
1990-1999: Growth; Children’s services, Ethnic Group Service, Focus on volunteers, and more
2000s: Expansion of Sites and Services
History Timeline:

Our Mission


To extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence for Jesus

Our Values

Foundation: 1) We value, first and foremost, knowledge and intimacy with Christ as developed through time with Him in the spiritual disciplines, including prayer, meditation, and Bible study. (Psalm 1: 1-3, John 15:5, 1 Tim 4:7-8, Matt 22:37-38)
2) We value loving each other as an expression of knowing the love of Christ. We do this through practicing the “one another’s” of Scripture. (John 13:33-34, Matt. 22:39, 1 John 3:14-16, Romans 14:19, Romans 15:7, Col. 3:16, Gal. 6:2, Eph. 4:2, Eph. 4:32, 1 Thess. 4:18, James 5:16, Romans 12:10)

Ministry Approach: We Value Hospitality in Partnership with Churches
Discipleship Philosophy: We Value Life-Involvement Discipleship as a Process
Organizational Philosophy: We Value God-Honoring Stewardship Practices

What We Do

We seek to promote friendship and hospitality for international students. The students participating come from a variety of countries. Staff members work closely with volunteers from local churches to provide various services that address the social, cultural, and spiritual interests of international students. Our activities are open to students from all cultural and religious backgrounds.

IFI respects the role of university officials engaged in serving international students and scholars. We strive to have a high level of integrity and responsibility in our interactions with university officials and with international students and scholars. We adhere to the NAFSA: Association of International Educators Statement of Ethical Principles in our ministry to international students and scholars.