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Just 1 Global

In 2005, Just 1 Global’s founder began traveling to Belize. A model of connecting individuals, families, churches, schools, and businesses to ministries run by national leaders emerged. 120 short-term mission trips have thrived since this initial mission trip. Over 50 churches have been encouraged and partnered with through the gifts and skills of mission goers like yourself. Just 1 Global helps you organize and serve in a simple and meaningful way as we impact the local ministries for God’s glory.

Our History

In 2005, Just 1 Global’s founder began traveling to Belize. A model of connecting individuals, families, churches, schools, and businesses to ministries run by national leaders emerged. 120 short-term mission trips have thrived since this initial mission trip. Over 50 churches have been encouraged and partnered with through the gifts and skills of mission goers like yourself. Just 1 Global helps you organize and serve in a simple and meaningful way as we impact the local ministries for God’s glory.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to invite each person into Kingdom work while cultivating our passion and purpose through serving and loving others. Just 1 person at a time!
Matthew 18:10-14, Luke 17:11-19

Our Values

Listen. Learn. Love.

What We Do

We LOVE coming alongside people from the states and connecting them with ministries run by nationals as we set up every detail of your mission trip, allowing you to immerse yourself in the culture, ministry, and relationships waiting for you.
We LOVE supporting and encouraging the local churches, schools, and small businesses. Our goal is sustainable ministry through empowered national leaders!
Join us today!