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Matthew 25 Ministries

The mission of Matthew 25: Ministries is to fulfill Matthew 25:34-40 of the New Testament by providing nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to those in need. Additionally, Matthew 25: Ministries is committed to fulfilling Matthew 25:40 by educating the public on the conditions and needs of the “least of these” and by providing resources for action.

Matthew 25: Ministries is an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization helping the poorest of the poor and disaster victims locally, regionally, nationally and internationally regardless of race, creed or political persuasion. By rescuing and reusing products from major corporations and manufacturers, Matthew 25: Ministries provides basic necessities, nutritional supplements, educational materials, micro-enterprise supplies and disaster relief across the US and worldwide.

The people we help are not receiving a handout, but a helping hand. It is only when a person’s most basic needs are met that one can become self-reliant. Because of this belief, Matthew 25: Ministries has always placed an emphasis on education, job creation and providing aid to children. Matthew 25: Ministries is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Our History

Matthew 25: Ministries began as the result of a trip Founder Rev. Wendell Mettey made with a group of doctors and nurses to Nicaragua in 1990. After seeing the seemingly endless poverty and devastation, Rev. Mettey made a promise to himself that he would find a way to help the people of Nicaragua and others in similar need.

Upon returning, Rev. Mettey developed a system to recover excess products which were deemed no longer useful by U.S. corporations, and redistribute these items to people in desperate poverty.

In the early days, supplies were carried to Nicaragua in suitcases, then aboard United States Air Force cargo planes. Now aid is shipped via forty-foot seagoing containers and semi-trailers to the poorest of the poor and disaster victims.

Since 1991, Matthew 25: Ministries has grown from a small suitcase ministry to an international relief organization distributing more than 15 million pounds of products each year. In total, M25M has sent more than 200 million pounds of aid across the United States and into more than sixty countries worldwide.

What We Do

Matthew 25: Ministries has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks to the generosity of our volunteers and donors. We’ve received an incredible outpouring of support for our disaster response efforts as well as our ongoing work with the poorest of the poor. As a result, we’ve been able to grow at an extraordinary rate.

Matthew 25: Ministries now ships more than 16 million pounds of aid a year—that’s over 900 truckloads—helping more than 20 million people throughout the U.S. and around the world.

In order to continue reaching more people in need, it’s time for us to expand our facilities. We need more space to accept more donations, welcome more volunteers, manufacture more products, and ship more truckloads of aid.