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Mission to El Salvador

Mission to El Salvador is a non-profit organization that addresses the core issues of inner-city poverty facing vulnerable Salvadorans including homelessness, addiction, and human trafficking. We work to provide sustainable projects to serve individuals in extreme poverty, children and adults recovering from addictions, and survivors of human trafficking.

Our History

In 2009, Jon and Danielle Snyder founded Mission to El Salvador with the goal of ministering to the urban poor and high-risk populations in El Salvador’s capital city of San Salvador. The organization began with a homeless ministry and has since expanded to include programs for street kids and trafficking survivors, as well as a short-term mission and intern program.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to be a “hands-on” non-governmental organization working in the heart of San Salvador serving those who are deeply affected by the cycle of abject poverty. Our holistic approach creates sustainable projects which address the physical, spiritual, and mental needs of those most vulnerable to the defeating consequences of poverty. Steeped in relationship building and community engagement, our team works to discover and address core issues of inner-city poverty in order to restore dignity and safety to hurting and exploited Salvadorans.

Our Values

Our core values are love, respect, and dignity. We believe in loving our clients unconditionally, respecting them as individuals, and working with them in a way that provides them with dignity. We seek to holistically integrate these values into our programs and ministries, and we also ask that our staff and volunteers practice these values as they serve with us.

What We Do

Our work is urban in nature, and based in our local community. We work with individuals who are living on the street because of poverty, addiction, or exploitation. The Lighthouse Project: We have an adult drop-in center that features micro-enterprise opportunities, counseling services, a food co-op, and rehab referral. Each week, we have group meetings as well as Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship. We also have workshops to help our clients who need help managing their finances or who are looking for a job. New Dawn Center for Street Kids: We have a drop-in center, and will soon be opening a residential treatment facility for street kids. We will work to help these children recover from their addictions and we will work to connect them with a healthy family environment if at all possible. Support for Survivors of Human Trafficking: We provide after-care and rehabilitation services and resources for survivors of human trafficking through counseling, and a job reintegration program. The survivors we work with are also eligible to receive all the services provided at our adult drop-in center. Short-Term Service Teams and Interns: We also work with short-term teams who assist with a variety of projects that directly benefit those we serve, and we also have an intern program where our interns can valuable experience working in an urban environment.