Moyo Missions

The Cochabamba Christian Complex has become a lighthouse of truth to the poorest country in South America. The small Andean country of Bolivia has long been mired in paganism. The official god (or more correctly goddess) of Bolivia is Pachamama (the fertility goddess of the ancient Incan Empire, now widely regarded as “mother earth”).

In 2003 Moyo Missions partnered with “Word of Life” (Palabra De Vida) ministries in Bolivia. The primary focus of Word of Life is to evangelize young people, then disciple these new converts. Together, Moyo Missions and Word of Life began planning a Christian complex where young people could come to sports camps and hear about Jesus Christ. In 2005, Moyo Missions purchased 60 acres of land and began construction of the complex.

Since 2005, about 100,000 people have used the complex, and more than 11,000 have accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!

Today, the Christian complex consists of missionary housing for over 50 missionaries and their families, apartments for single missionaries, a mission volunteer house, a gymnasium, an auditorium, a Christian school, a two year Bible training center, and enough bunk space to house up to 800 campers.

Uganda was another country where the Kowalskes had ministered with their church. As the project in Bolivia started to come together, Dr. Richard and Dr. Brenda began taking volunteer teams to Uganda. The two countries—though very different and very far apart—were clearly the focal points of God’s direction for Moyo Missions. The Village of Eden is the current project in Uganda.

Our History

In August 2002, Dr. Richard and Dr. Brenda Kowalske were in Cochabamba, Bolivia participating in a short-term volunteer mission trip with their church. God interrupted their plans and called them to full-time ministry while simultaneously giving them a vision for the initial ministry project, a Christian Complex that would serve as the base of operations for Word of Life Bolivia . They returned home to Georgia and immediately began making preparations to learn Spanish and eventually move to Bolivia. By early 2003 Helping Hands Foreign Missions (now Moyo Mission)had been formed and the rest is history.

Our Mission

To make disciples of Christ as we demonstrate His love in practical ways among those with the greatest physical and spiritual needs.

Our Values

Developing thriving and sustainable Christ-based communities among the most needy and suffering, producing disciples who follow Christ.

What We Do

Identify areas of greatest spiritual and physical needs and create individualized Christian community models which most effectively meet those needs.

Work hand-in-hand with local, national, and international partners to develop sustainable and culturally effective communities.

Empower others who will produce spiritual fruit and physical sustainability within their native communities, country, and the world.

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