MSC Canada

MSC was founded to respond to rapid changes being forced upon churches, mission supporters and the missionaries by the world events of 1940.  The current rate of change in the world provides new challenges for sending churches and their mission workers today.

It is important to us at MSC to maintain the core values upon which we were founded and by which we have operated for over 80 years, while helping sending churches and their mission workers adapt to the changing world of missions.

Our History

When we were founded in 1940, it was as the Missionary Service Committee and we were, for many decades, overseen by a committee that met weekly.

Since 1993, our full legal name has simply been MSC Canada. There are a variety of reasons that we changed our name over 30 years ago.

The first is that MSC has operated with a board of directors as our governing structure since the 1980s, so the word committee was no longer accurate.

What We Do

MSC serves and supports both the sending Local Church and the worker with missions-specific expertise. We provide the legal & logistical means of serving workers outside Canada.

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