New Covenant Missions

Our passion is to reach the unreached, love the unloved, empower the Great Commission, and see communities transformed by Christ! We do this by partnering with indigenous African Church Planters!

Our History

New Covenant Missions was formed in August 2001 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization by a group of Christian men in the Spokane, Washington area in the United States. The founding principles are driven by the vision of empowering the Indigenous African Church to achieve self-sufficiency and independence. Africa has a desire to evangelize their own people and provide for their own needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the areas of Africa that are considered unreached and to empower the fullness of the Great Commission. We do this by partnering with indigenous African churches to strategically multiply their church planting efforts through sponsorship programs, training and equipping, as well as community development work. To ensure a continued pipeline of emerging leaders, we empower university student mission programs to train, disciple, and take the Great Commission literally.

Our Values

We take the Great Commission literally, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ is imperative. Our heart is to break the bonds of dependency on foreign aid by developing strategies to empower individuals and communities to be dependent on God and each other. We want to connect people together across geographical, cultural, social and religious boundaries, centering on Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can bring lasting change of heart, mind and body when He invades a life and changes their world view.

What We Do

We believe the fulfillment of the Great Commission depends on church planting. Jesus told us to disciple, baptize, and teach (Matthew 28:19-20). Because we believe those three things are best done in the context of a local church, the strategy of our ministry is to send indigenous church planters.

Currently, 99.7% of evangelical mission activity in the world is being done in areas that have an established church. In Mark 16:15, Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” How will this be done if the work of most missions is happening where there is already a church? Therefore, our plan is to work in the .3%—the areas of Africa that do NOT have an established evangelical church.

And how do we do this? We do this by partnering with local African churches. New Covenant Missions recruits, trains, sends and equips indigenous church planters to be strategically sent to plant churches among unreached people groups in Africa. Currently, we have local U.S. churches and individuals sponsoring over 165 African Church Planter families.

Through this sponsorship program, we provide the Church Planter families with the basic costs of living. In addition, we continue fundraising in order to equip them with various tools, such as seed money, to grow their outreach. Providing seed money enables these families to, for example, launch small shops, for mountain bikes or motorbikes, portable solar powered Jesus Film kits and solar powered audio Bibles. It can also be used for discipleship training, and training for evangelism to the Muslim community, and evangelism when serving in community health. And there are also needs in community development projects such as, public latrines, fresh water, and medical services. Bottom line, we are committed to help with whatever else it takes to empower the church to grow!

Our goal is to plant locally, sustained churches. Typically, the church planters go into an unreached area and work for three years to make disciples and train up leaders. Once a local church is established, the leadership raises money to sustain the church. Once the church is sustainable, the church planter begins to plant another church in a different area. Even more exciting is the fact that each of these church plants are planted with the DNA to multiply, thus producing multitudes of 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th generation churches that are completely supported without us! Currently none of the churches planted by our church planters requires outside support.

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