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Preach Evangelistic Ministries

Preach Evangelistic Ministries works as a team to equip, send, and support the spread of the Gospel to the unreached people of the world.

Our History

Preach Evangelistic Ministries has existed over forty years to reach the furthest parts of the globe and people groups to plant New Testament churches.

Our Mission

With this single phrase we hope to express the spirit, the purpose, and the guiding principles of this Team. It is what we aim for, pray for, and work towards every day. If we have any resource, any power, any influence, any energy we will use it to bring relevance of His name to the regions of this world where his glory in not known.

Our Values

Preach Evangelistic Ministries exists to help bring focus to the mission of God, and call all believers to play their part in the fulfillment of the great commission.

What We Do

Reaching and training the community and world with the message of God.