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His Wings Ranch

His Wings Ranch has been helping the children of Baja California, Mexico for more than 22 years. Susan Fasino, a registered physical therapist, and her husband Juan Garcia, have dedicated their lives to answer the call of God.

They felt led to help families of special needs children who live in poor communities in Mexico. They are missionaries with Commission to every nation.

Our Mission

His Wings Ranch improves the lives of special needs kids in Baja, Mexico through providing: mobility, independence, skills to thrive, purpose, and hope

What We Do

We provide free physical therapy to special needs and medically fragile children.  We offer equine assisted physical therapy, therapeutic riding, and equine assisted activities for children who have suffered from childhood trauma , including, abandonment, neglect , abuse, and domestic violence.

When children need specialized care, we help arrange the consultations and treatment needed both in Mexico and in United States. We not only care for the children, but we also come alongside the whole family by helping with basic necessities they need to care for their children who desperately need adequate housing, food, and clean water.

We also provide wheelchairs, walkers, braces, and other adaptive equipment for the children who need them.