Shines Children’s Foundation

Shines children’s Foundation is located in Masindi District and our goal is provide care and support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children. We envisions a society where children have equal access to their rights and opportunities to reach their full potential. The foundation focus on programs which include; HIV/AIDs, Water and sanitation, and child rights protection and Education We are looking for Mission teams, Volunteers and other well-wishers to join our straggle In giving better hope to disadvantaged people in rural communities in Uganda.

Our History

Shines Children’s Foundation (SCF) is a not-for-profit Child focused NGO established in 2013, with registration No.1521’SCF’s interventions focus on four key sectors: Livelihoods (improving household incomes & nutrition security); Education Access increasing access to early childhood care and primary education), Health (HIV and SRHR) and WASH (improving access to clean water and sanitation). SCF currently have a primary school which comprises of 200 needy and vulnerable Children, we have a skilling Centre, school firm, and Youth friendly service Centre.

Our Mission

To promote and protect the rights of children for a sustainable Development.

Our Values

Shines Children’s Foundation Adhere to the following values; Integrity, Transparency, Team work, Equity Diversity and Child centered.

What We Do

Shines Children’s Foundation focus on the programs which are geared at improving the living Conditions of vulnerable communities. These Include: Providing clean drinking water, providing education to the orphans and vulnerable Children, providing Health care to needy people, protecting and rights of Children, economic empowerment, and evangelism

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