Unto – A Cru Ministry

Unto is the humanitarian ministry of Cru, to build relationships and share the eternal hope of Jesus with people throughout the United States and in virtually every major country on earth.

The humanitarian programs at Unto are crucial to the strategy of equipping Cru partners as they seek to express the kindness of Jesus in tangible ways to people they serve.

Over the course of almost 30 years of operation, Unto has leveraged strategic global partnerships and the service of dedicated volunteers to relieve suffering in more than 75 countries to express the Great Commandment and advance the Great Commission through humanitarian kindness.

By enhancing the ministry of international Cru partners with humanitarian assistance and coaching, Unto helps provide them with access to people groups who might otherwise be unreachable. We also help our partners build credibility in the eyes of governments and authorities. In many cases humanitarian aid is the main reason ministry is allowed to continue.

Prior to 2020, Unto was called Global Aid Network® (GAiN®) in the United States.

Our History

We are the humanitarian ministry of Cru. The humanitarian programs at Unto are crucial to the strategy of equipping Cru partners as they trust God to develop multiplying disciples and establish new churches.

By enhancing the ministry of Cru partners with humanitarian assistance and coaching, Unto helps provide them with access to people groups who might otherwise be unreachable. We also help our partners build credibility in the eyes of governments and authorities. In many cases humanitarian aid is the main reason ministry is allowed to continue.

Over the course of almost 30 years of operation Unto has leveraged strategic global partnerships and the service of dedicated volunteers to relieve suffering in more than 75 countries in order to express the Great Commandment and advance the Great Commission through humanitarian kindness. Because we work in partnership with Cru staff members who live and work in the places we serve, ministry work continues long after Unto staff members return home.

Our Mission

At Unto we help you express the kindness of Jesus to people living in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.

We strive to be responsive to the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world. We are passionate about sharing the hope of Jesus with them.

Together with you, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is more than an ideal. It is our mandate — to express the kindness of Jesus to all people so that they might have a personal relationship with Him.

Our Values

The church is called by God to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Scripture says that we will be known as His disciples by our love (John 13:35). Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Unto serves the world through humanitarian outreach because through this, we become better ambassadors of Christ. In this response by the people of God serving the world, the Great Commandment meets the Great Commission.

What We Do

Through partnerships with churches, organizations, and individuals, Unto reaches into the lives of people living in the toughest places on earth. We work with our in-country partners to provide sustainable food and water solutions to communities in Africa. We show the love of Christ to refugees in the Middle East and East Africa who fled violence in their home countries and must make a new home starting with nothing. We bring clean water, food, and clothes to families living in poverty in the Americas. We supply children in Central Asia with essential items for school. These are just a few examples of how Unto takes action to aid hurting people. Most importantly, we share the love of Jesus Christ, which offers eternal hope to those we help.

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