For over 20 years, Asian Hope (through our three school programs) have been providing quality Christian education to the people of Cambodia.
For over 20 years, Asian Hope (through our three school programs) have been providing quality Christian education to the people of Cambodia.
For over 20 years, Asian Hope (through our three school programs) have been providing quality Christian education to the people of Cambodia.
Asian Hope exists to reach Cambodia for Christ by meeting the needs of vulnerable children and their families. We do this by providing for today’s needs with clean water & nutritious food. We can help change their tomorrow by giving them a Christian education that will prepare them for a career, thus ensuring we break the cycle of poverty. Lastly, by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and demonstrating Christian love and compassion, we are changing these lives for eternity.
Asian Hope’s Core Values:
People: Our work is about people not products or productivity. God has ordained that people minister to people. Programs, money, equipment and facilities do not minister to the souls of humans – people and God have that ability. Asian Hope strives to remember in all situations, successes and failures that our purpose is to love and care for all people that our God created in His image. Additionally, in order to effectively minister we must develop, invest in, and reward the people that are employed by Asian Hope.
Relationships: We believe that God is a relational being and desires deep and meaningful relationships with people. Jesus exemplified relational ministry during his time on earth. We value making Christ known through our lives, service, and words and by building caring relationships. If relationship is the foundation of our ministry, then we believe ministry is not a one way avenue but mutually affirming. Ministry that is long term (generational in scope) must be built on relationship and avoid those activities and programs that degrade and jeopardize relationship. We have to remember that relationship based ministry requires taking our place in the community not above or external to it.
Learning: We believe that learning is a key tool that God has created for the betterment of mankind. Throughout the Bible and as evidenced by simple observation of human development, learning is the key to knowing God and living life successfully in this world. We believe that people begin their lives learning and end their lives on this earth still learning. Therefore, Asian Hope values learning in all areas of life (spiritual, academic, life skill, relational, etc.) for all people that are touched by Asian Hope. This includes the Board of Directors, all employees and volunteers, clients and their families, and the many organizations that interact with Asian Hope. Therefore, Asian Hope will strive to encourage, support and deepen the learning of the aforementioned people and commit significant development time and resources to that end.
Serving the Vulnerable/At-risk: We believe that throughout the Bible God calls special attention to and special action on behalf of those who are the most vulnerable and at-risk of suffering, abuse and neglect. This has been the organizational genesis and genetics of Asian Hope. God created and ordained the family as the best way for children to grow and develop into mature, healthy human beings. Consequently children belong in families not institutions or group homes. Asian Hope’s programs seek to strengthen and support families and their future. We also believe that all children are vulnerable, even those from middle class and upper class families. Therefore Asian Hope will be an advocate and support for all children.
Collaboration: We will allow others to do what they do best instead of trying to be all things to all people. Where possible we will work with other organizations that share our values and can enable us to more efficiently and effectively accomplish our mission. We will not hoard our talents, expertise and treasures when we can enable other organizations to meet their mission. Likewise we will allow the best practices and innovations of others to influence improvement at Asian Hope.
Integrity: Asian Hope is committed to business and ministry dealings that support and do not violate Christian morals and commonly held ethical best practices. This includes but is not limited to upright stewardship and transparency regarding our finances and fundraising, honoring commitments, external accountability (i.e. various types of audits and evaluations), truth and completeness in communication, and endeavoring to understand and comply with the laws of the countries in which we work.
Professional Excellence: As an organization we seek to achieve our greatest potential and the greatest potential of those we serve. We understand that this requires continual fearless evaluation, learning and action. We seek to progressively implement organizational best practices, plan for the future, develop organizational leaders, evaluate our programs, conduct financial audits, pursue programmatic cultural appropriateness, and build systems to nurture diversity and inclusion.
Our desire is to reach Cambodia for Christ. Our comprehensive strategy is to educate children at every socioeconomic level, essentially changing lives and transforming the country for generations to come through Christian education.
Featured Image | Organization Name | Mission Name | No available Mission. |
Featured Image | Organization Name | Job Name | No available Job. |
Featured Image | Organization Name | Internship Name | No available Internship. |