Mission Finder Podcasts

Father God’s Business (Part 1 of 2) – Commentary and Discussion of Day 4

Mission Finder Podcast #17

Hosts: Andrew Michael Arroyo & Don Nava

In the latest episode of Mission Finder, we dive into the profound connections between father and son, father and daughter, and Father God. Our host, Don Nava, shares valuable insights on biblical parenting and discipleship, drawing from his own experiences.

The episode begins with a thought-provoking question: “Are you about your Father’s business every day?” This sets the stage for a deep conversation on our spiritual responsibilities as parents and followers of Christ.

Don Nava highlights the critical role of grace in parenting. Reflecting on his journey, he shares how, if given the chance, he would have extended more grace to his children, emphasizing the need for an environment where children feel safe to express themselves and grow.

A key theme explored is the difference between dynastic and personal legacy. God’s will is dynastic, passed through generations, in contrast to the modern focus on individual achievements. Don and the host discuss how this perspective shapes our parenting and life mission.

The conversation shifts to viewing Jesus as a businessman, with biblical references illustrating how He diligently carried out His Father’s mission. Listeners are challenged to understand God’s business plan and consider their roles in it.

One of the most impactful moments is the discussion of the parable of the talents. It’s a reminder of our responsibility to steward what God has entrusted to us. Host Andrew Michael Arroyo emphasizes that God expects us to be fruitful, urging believers to invest in their spiritual lives.

As the episode concludes, Don reflects on judgment day and the importance of living with an eternal perspective. He encourages listeners to seize opportunities and live in a way that will lead to the ultimate reward: hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

This episode offers rich wisdom for those looking to deepen their understanding of biblical parenting, discipleship, and fulfilling God’s will. Tune in for inspiration to honor our heavenly Father.


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