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Hope for the Hurting Medical Mission

Hope and Help International is focused on providing training and resources for men and women who are working in remote areas of South Asia. Through these partnerships we have been able to assist with planting churches, providing church buildings, sponsoring orphanages and widows homes, and providing medical care to those who do not have access.

Help Women & Children at risk or rescued from Human Trafficking in India

Rahab’s Rope invites you to partner with us on mission to India! Come help us share the love of Christ with those who are marginalized and/or trafficked. From prevention to intervention to aftercare, you can help make difference! Serve like Jesus and come alongside our staff to share your gifts through Bible Studies, Group Activities, […]

Mission Jaipur and Udaipur: Special Needs Care India

Most children with “special needs” are neglected by society, or turned over to an orphanage. Volunteers with therapy training, or skills working with special needs children are welcome. The orphanage caters to mentally and physically disabled children. The level of illness varies from child to child but all need individual attention to grow and develop […]