Peru Mission Trip with Royal Servants

Royal Servants is a summer missions program for youth and young adults focused on discipleship in missions. In Arequipa, Peru, only a handful of missionary families serve a city of 1 million people. Your job will be to partner with and encourage them in this endeavor. Your ministry can range from leading English bible studies […]
Peru / Andes Mountains 2025: July 25 – Aug 3

VOLUNTEER MEDICAL & DENTAL Mission. All volunteers welcome, Not just for medical and dental professionals. All ages welcome. Join us as we take you high into the Andes Mountains to serve rural farming communities who have little to no access to healthcare and where there are no established churches. We partner with local Cusco churches […]
Mission Trip to Peru

Join us as we travel to remote villages on the Amazon. We will be encouraging pastors and their villages, providing medical checks, serving children and families, and much more!
Ecuador (Humanitarian)

HEARTFIRE invites you to mission in beautiful Cuenca, Ecuador! This non-medical humanitarian team will spend the week serving in remote jungle villages atop the Andes mountains. Each morning will begin with breakfast, Bible study and worship, to be immediately followed by serving the indigent people groups and refugees in the region. Each evening, the team […]
Guyana Mission Trip

Bold Hope is not only partnered for short-term missions, but is also partnered in deep, long-term relationships and long-lasting HOPE initiatives. This means your youth group or church group may come and make lasting connections through child sponsorships and the support of ongoing ministry efforts year-round. Before your trip, we will work together to learn […]
Colombia Medical Mission 2024

Are you ready for adventure and to put your nursing skills to the test at a whole new level? Are you interested in serving those in real need for medical services? Do you like to travel? Join us this summer for a global health medical service trip!
Mission Trip to Ecuador (2024)

You will have daily opportunity to serve Luz de Vida church in Quito, Ecuador. After traveling to Quito, you and your team will take several days to acclimatize to Quito’s 9,000-foot elevation. Then, after Sunday worship and fellowship you will assist in the week-long VBS with logistics and kids’ activities. A youth camp out in […]
Eye Surgery & Optical in Bolivia

Medical Ministry International (MMI) sent our first medical team to Bolivia in 2003, and North American volunteers with MMI continue to support the MMI Bolivia project leaders and team today. The teams aim to provide specialized vision services. This project has the option of a 1 or 2-week commitment. This project needs a comprehensive vision […]