World Orphans Campaigns

There are an estimated 153 million orphans worldwide. Some of these orphans have lost one parent, some both, and some are “virtual” orphans that have been turned out onto the streets by their families, but all are vulnerable and in need of help. Without assistance these orphans continue in the cycle of poverty, HIV/AIDS, trafficking, prostitution and slavery that haunts developing countries. The good news? You CAN do something about it. Join World Orphans in combating the world-wide orphan crisis by Creating a Campaign. Alongside your family, friends, and community, you can advocate and raise funds to provide care for orphaned and vulnerable children.


Anywhere! You can start a Campaign wherever you are.


Anytime! You can start a Campaign whenever you have the time!


Any skills! Do what you already love to do for a purpose. Ideas include: running, sports, music, dance, arts and crafts, photography etc. You can turn any hobby or interest into a Campaign to help orphans. The following skills are helpful, but not necessary:party/event planning, organizing volunteers, leadership, fundraising, marketing, public speaking.

What We Will Do

You and your team will work with the Local Mobilization Director to plan and run a campaign to raise awareness and funds for orphans and vulnerable children. Ideas include: giving up your birthday, participating in a race, running a sale, hosting a party, or creating your own unique campaign. All proceeds from your event will go towards providing wholistic care the orphans at the partner of your choice. Every $50 you raise goes towards providing food, education, medical care, trauma counseling, and the Gospel of Christ to a child for one month. We will guide you through brainstorming, planning, fundraising, and implementing your event. Most importantly, we will have fun while helping orphaned children!

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