IMPACTS LIVES HANDS OF COMPASSION exists to invest in those with the greatest physical and
IMPACTS LIVES HANDS OF COMPASSION exists to invest in those with the greatest physical and
Jesus and Me Children’s Ministries (JMCM) is a Christian Non-Governmental Organisation dedicated to working with
Kassanda Children’s Aid was founded in 2012 as a nonprofit, faith and community-based organization, operating
Because of all the struggles and the suffering I went through, although I had both
We started in 2020 when we started mentoring foster children to be all God has
GFA is a well-established international mission organization deeply committed to seeing lives and communities transformed
Divine Hope Ministries is committed to helping people from all walks of life experience the
Wonders of Hope Centre Kibera is the host of Wonders of Hope and was started
Women in Central Asian lack a voice at home and in society. Young ladies feel
WHAT IS OASIS AFRICA Oasis Africa is located in the heart of Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Raised in Ontario, Canada, Janine Maxwell founded ONYX Marketing Group in Toronto at age 24,