Daughters of Cambodia

Daughters of Cambodia - Logo - Mission Finder

Daughters of Cambodia is a fair-trade business established to empower men and women to exit sex-work and receive training. Our businesses entail a sewing room, screen printing, shops, spas, cafes, and a guesthouse. We seek a holistic approach which includes: counselling, medical care, life-skills, day-care, and a sustainable wage.


GenerateHope provides a safe place for victims of sex trafficking to be restored through long-term housing, healing, and education. Since recovery from sexual exploitation is a long-term process, GenerateHope provides individualized support to work through past trauma. This support is extended until the women reach the ability to live independently and become a positive influence […]

She is Safe

She is Safe, established to inform, mobilize, and equip advocates to extend God’s love, to women and children through local partnerships in the least-reached places of the world. She is Safe works to prevent, rescue and restore women and girls from suffering abuse, and exploitation in high risk and least-reached places around the globe. We […]

Children’s HopeChest

Children’s HopeChest exists to glorify God by releasing the potential of orphaned and vulnerable children and their communities through partnerships that cultivate holistic transformation and sustainability.

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