Allow the Children

Provides both basic life needs and spiritual nourishment in order that the children will become dynamic servants of God, who will eventually reach others with the Good News.

Our Mission

Children’s homes are effective ministries for evangelism. How can we reach a Hindu? A Buddhist? A Muslim? One way is by bringing children with these backgrounds into the Christian environment of a children’s home and discipling them faithfully in God’s Word. With their continuing ties to extended relatives and others back in their home villages, they can return as witnesses to lead others to the Lord.

It works! Children are coming to the Lord. If we can meet their needs, educate them and provide a firm Scriptural foundation, we can disciple many leaders, fully prepared to serve their God and reach their own people as adults.

We are serving fellow believers with child sponsorship programs through the local churches. Our programs help children of pastors, evangelists, widows and impoverished families who might not be able to provide for an education and adequate nutrition for their children.


What We Do

We are in each country on a regular basis, visiting our children and partner churches. We personally meet with the children and care givers to keep our information current, evaluate any needs, confirm their care and to account for the proper use of the funds that come through this ministry.

Sponsorship means he will have food, clothing and basic needs met.

Sponsorship means he can go to school.

Sponsorship means he will hear about the Savior from a strong believer within his own language and culture.

Sponsorship means that you can be part of his life.

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