Bethany Hong Kong

Bethany Hong Kong offers a place of rest, encouragement and restoration for Christian cross-cultural workers and their families serving in Asia and beyond as well as for pastors or Christian workers in Hong Kong. We are committed to provide Member Care.

Bethany is located on a beautiful island called Cheung Chau, just a short ferry ride from vibrant Hong Kong. We aim to offer a relaxed, homely environment for those needing a break.

Jesus sometimes withdrew from the demands of His hectic life to rest and pray.

We too should take a break from our work, whatever that is. It is very easy in this life to squeeze out our own rest times – and to squeeze out real time with God. A central aim of Bethany is to provide restful places. By this we mean actual quiet spaces, gentle relaxed times and opportunities for weary workers to make spaces inside their own stressed and pressured heads!

Bethany will offer a welcome whether you are looking for a spiritual retreat, a straightforward, cheerful holiday or just a time away from everyone. We cater for groups, families, married couples and individuals. We can provide gentle pastoral care, people to listen and pray with you and a range of devotional materials to dip into (see also under Pastoral Care). On the other hand, if you prefer just to hang out on the beach, that is also fine. Our guests include Christians from all denominations and countries, focusing on those in mission but also welcoming those in secular jobs.

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