Colina de Luz

Colina de Luz is a Christian home for needy children where the Lordship of Jesus Christ is taught to all. Our supreme desire is for us all to know Christ in His fullness, and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are a nondenominational ministry. Our desire is to work with any church or ministry that belongs to the true Body of Christ, in the Spirit of Christ’s love.

Located just outside Tijuana, Mexico, Colina de Luz (Hill of Light) is home for 50 to 60 boys and girls. How did these children end up at this home? Some have been abused, some orphaned, some abandoned, reflecting the poverty that surrounds their family life and community. Situated on top of a hill, as the name suggests, Colina not only offers a literal and figurative oasis to these desperately needy children, but truly provides a home.

Colina de Luz means “Hill of Light” – “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”Matthew 5:14

Check out this recent visit from a church from Plymouth, Michigan…What a blessing!  Video Link

Our History

Many years ago three couples prayed for guidance to serve God and grow in faith. Through a set of incredible circumstances God led them to a run down, poorly run Children’s Home in Baja México, just outside Tijuana. They became, little by little, more involved, and more aware of what was going on. The Lord slowly and profoundly orchestrated one of the couples lives and touched them to replace the previous leaders. They moved to the Home (“Orphanage”) in 1987 and have been there ever since. God has slowly but steadily brought staff, groups & provision to make this home a “Hill of Light” (Colina de Luz).

Our Mission

The mission remains the same as day one: To love, and care for each and every child the Lord brings, to educate them, and take them as far as their as their heart’s desire. There are numerous kids who have graduated University, some teachers, Computer Engineer, Doctor, the sky is the limit with God’s help. Every day begins and ends with teaching in the ways of the Lord, because we believe He comes first, and He loves our kids.

Our Values

As the kids learn God’s ways, they learn what the Lord values, and we guide them to put those values into practice daily. We also try to teach them that family matters. We ARE a family, not by Blood, but by Love. Visitors tell us you can feel that love when you come to Colina de Luz.

What We Do

Our first Priority is raising “our children”, loving them and providing for them. As the years passed we have been able to: work with local Pastors, have a local Volunteer work program in which we give excess food and clothing as well as a devotion. We do outreaches to the poor, other Children’s Homes, the schools, feeding centers and where ever the Lord leads. Additionally we have a Group House that is available for up to 40+- people to stay and participate with us. There are also two visitor Apartments, one for a couple the other is set up to sleep seven or eight – fully equipped. We charge a very small fee of $10 per person per day which includes our cooks excellent three meals. Many groups help us with projects others reach out to other areas and/or ministries. Together we strive to Glorify the King of Kings!

Colina de Luz participates in the Generous Giving Program. Click here to learn how you can support their work at no cost to you. 

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