Commission Ministers Network

Ministerial credentials – licensing or ordination – cannot make a person a minister but should be available to those who have demonstrated a call to ministry by actually serving others. CMN offers credentials to those who are actually involved in ministry either full or part time. Often these credentials can open doors of opportunity for expanded ministry and influence in your community and the lives of others.

Our History

Commission Ministers Network was founded to offer ministerial credentials to candidates who are actually involved in minister either full or part time. Often credentials can open doors of expanded ministry opportunities for missionaries, national workers and those serving in the United States.

Our Mission

Credentials with an international association of ministers often opens doors of ministry to our members that would be closed to them without CMN license or ordination. CMN ministers serve on church staffs, as hospital and police chaplains, missionaries, church planters, nursing home ministries and many other areas of service.

Our Values

Credentials can’t make you a minister – only the Lord can do that. But for those who have obeyed a call to ministry and are actually serving others, lack of credentials should not limit what you can do or where you can serve.

What We Do

We don’t believe credentials can make you a minister – only the Lord can do that. But for those who have been called by the Lord and have demonstrated an obedience to that call we don’t believe not having credentials should limit your ministry. We provide credentials for those who are actually serving in ministry – and are in agreement with our basic Biblical statement of faith and live in accordance with our moral/ethical code of conduct.

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