Finisterre Vision is dedicated to finishing the Great Commission in the Finisterre Mountains of Papua New Guinea by engaging the people that no one else will.
51 people groups in the Finisterre Mountains have not yet heard the Gospel, and have no Bible in their own language. Could God be calling you to make a difference?
Each of their 860 PEOPLE GROUPS have their own language, their own specific culture, their own idioms, ideals, and their own distinct worldview. Each one of these groups needs the gospel. Less than half have the New Testament translated into their language. Though New Guinea is open to the gospel, there are many groups who still do not have access to the Word of God in their language.
The task is immense, but can be accomplished ONE language at a time.
Knowing that Jesus commissioned believers to disciple every language group, we focus our efforts on this one area which includes 7O people groups, 51 of which are still unreached.
Individual languages are found in clusters of related languages. We call these clusters, “Language Families”. Learn about the needs of each of the languages in the Finisterre Mountains by browsing through the profiles below. Could God be calling you to make a difference by going? Or by sending a missionary to one of these languages?