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Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC)

Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC) is a Pre K-12 culturally diverse international Christian school established in 1987 with a commitment to see lives transformed through education in Nepal. It holds both Middle States Association (MSA, American) and Cambridge International Examinations (British) accreditations.

Our History

KISC  was born out of education needs of the children of the mission workers who came to provide humanitarian assistance to Nepal after the opening of the country’s borders to foreigners in early 1950s. Established by United Mission to Nepal (UMN) and International Nepal Fellowship (INF) in 1987, KISC has become a reputed international Christian school in Nepal. In 2007, the Nepali NGO, Human Development and Community Services (HDCS), was awarded the ownership of KISC by the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Education. God has richly blessed KISC for the last 33 years and we want to share the blessing with others in Nepal.

Our Mission

To provide quality education, primarily for the Christian mission community and Nepali national teachers, based on the sovereignty of Christ. Through the KISC international Pre K-12 school and the EQUIP national teacher training program, students and staff will positively impact their world. KISC’s vision is to be living witnesses of Christ’s love through education, and is based on Isaiah 61:1-3.

Our Values

At KISC we aim to live according to the KISC values of LOVE, GRACE, COMMUNITY, JUSTICE and EXCELLENCE. We believe each student is an individual made in the image of God. Our learning process focuses on understanding a Biblical Worldview. We aim to develop caring, critical, creative and collaborative thinking, and we aim for KISC students to be deeply rooted and established in knowledge and wisdom.

What We Do

Before the establishment of KISC many mission families had to leave the country for the sake of their children’s education. KISC provides Pre K-12 education. More importantly, our hope and prayer is for the students to graduate with an understanding of who they are and how they can impact their world for the Glory of God. Through mutual efforts of staff and parents, we want our students to develop the skills, attitudes and spirituality they need to successfully meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world and bring good to others. KISC EQUIP, with its teacher training programme implemented in a number of Nepali schools, helps raise the education standard across Nepal and aims for the holistic development of the whole community. The programme equips teachers with tools and skills necessary to develop problem solving and creative thinking as well as good character in students. It also works with the whole school community to encourage a mindset that everyone has an important role towards improving education in Nepal.