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La Red El Salvador

La Red is a non-profit Christian organization that seeks to improve the quality of life in the impoverished beach communities of El Salvador.  We connect and partner with individuals, institutions and churches that share our vision to spread God’s love and help those in need.

Our History

We are the Castellanos, a Christian family passionate about God, helping others, and beach activities, especially surfing. In 2006, we planted Christian Surfers International Ministry at the El Tunco surf town.  Now there are chapters in many surf breaks along El Salvador coastline.

During these years, and after selling our house in the city to live by the beach, we have had the opportunity to be close to the poverty and spiritual needs of the people living in the beach communities of El Salvador; a country with 55% of its population under the poverty line. As a response, in 2014 we planted a non-denominational Christian church at El Tunco beach and registered La Red as a nonprofit organization.

Our Mission

Our work is focused in six areas: spiritual growth, assistance to the needy, education, peace culture, community development and hosting mission teams. To implement these areas we established four projects: La Red Church, La Casita, Helping Hands and Sharing waves.

Our Values

We believe a real transformation starts with knowing Jesus Christ and growing spiritually. In addition, you need education, opportunities and skills to improve your quality of life. We want to help the beach communities to thrive, be transformed and make their dreams of living a better life come true.

What We Do

La Red Church is a contemporary, beach style, Christian church.  Our main goal is to share God’s love and motivate people to live according to Christian principles.

La Casita (Little House) is a program for 6 to 14 years old kids.  In our church facilities at El Tunco beach, they receive a daily meal and participate in English, computer, arts and comprehensive reading classes; plus outdoors activities, visits to interest places, motivational speeches, parents and kids activities; all in a safe, fun and Christian atmosphere.

Helping hands is a project where mission teams have a big role. Our main goal is to share Gods love and help those in need. This area includes a variety of activities: outreaches, food and clothes distribution, medical services, construction, disaster response, and family visitation.

Sharing Waves use surf to prevent violence and motivate youth for a positive life. We partner with Puro Surf Performance Center to organize surf camps that include motivational speeches, surf time, beach games, lunch and a participation diploma.