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Love Packages

Based in the U.S.A., Love Packages receives Bibles and other forms of Christian literature to send to developing countries. Almost every week, a 20 foot container with 20 tons of material leaves their place (approximately 1000 tons annually). They have served 119 countries.

Our History

“You’re Wasting That.”

It was the summer of 1975: God spoke to me as clearly as could be. That summer, God showed me the abundance of Christian literature that I had at my disposal and the tremendous lack of literature in third world nations.

Not realizing that everyone was as wasteful as I, I began to send my excess literature overseas. That first year my wife and I shipped sixty boxes of literature to missionaries in four countries. Soon the word spread about what we were doing.

Friends started bringing their excess literature to us for shipment overseas. We never realized or imagined that from that small seed God would build an ever increasing world outreach.

Not long after that, we began to receive literature in the mail; slowly at first, then from all over the United States. That second year we shipped 3.5 tons. The third year: 7 tons. The forth: 11, then 21, then 25, 27, 31, 51, 83, 100, 180, 250, and 600.

Our Mission

Love Packages is fueling international missions work and sending the gospel to the ends of the earth by putting donated bibles and other Christian literature into the hands of people around the world.

What We Do

We ship over 2,000 tons of recycled gospel literature on the mission field every year. Our goal for 2024 is to ship 2,024 tons overseas.