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Medical Missions Outreach

Medical Missions Outreach does short-term medical mission work with an emphasis on helping the local New Testament church in developing countries and sharing the gospel with patients. We need MD, CRNP, PA, RN, LPN, CNA, Medical Students, Nursing Students, EMT, Paramedic. We are affiliated with an Independent Baptist church.

Our History

When Medical Missions Outreach was started in 2003, our vision was to take an annual trip to help a missionary reach his community with the Gospel through the avenue of medicine. Over the years, that annual trip grew into monthly trips, to multiple continents to help various missionaries. While the scope of the ministry has broadened, our primary purpose remains singular: to reach lost people with the message of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

Medical Missions Outreach supports the work of missionaries and local churches in developing countries by using ethical medical care as a tool to give eternal spiritual care. This tool can be used to not only share the gospel message, but help start or strengthen local churches.

Our Values

We have a partnership with a local church in each country we visit. Our team is there for a short time, but we trust that the church will follow up on patients and provide a place of nurture and compassion long after our team has left the field. Medical Missions Outreach endeavors to partner with missionaries, church planters, and pastors across the globe and follow the Biblical principle found in Luke 9:2, where Jesus sent his followers to preach the Kingdom and heal the sick. Using the unique platform of medicine, we are able to attract hundreds of people to a place where we can do our best to meet their physical needs, while praying for opportunities to minister to their spiritual needs as well. All of our clinics operate in conjunction with a local church. While we want to introduce hurting people to the Savior, we also want to give them a connection to a church where they can find loving, compassionate encouragement for life.

What We Do

Medical Missions Outreach visits underdeveloped countries to provide healthcare to those in need. Medical professionals from all across the United States unite to form various teams to share the love of Christ using the tool of medicine. Our clinics include general medical, vision, dental, and surgical.