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Nepal Leprosy Trust

Looking for people with experience to work in Nepal. We run a leprosy hospital, and this may be your opportunity to give something back and have a great time too. English speaking people with medical, engineering, and rehabilitation skills are needed. We also have an on-site, four-week programme to learn about the Pathological process and social impact of Leprosy (Hansen’s disease). Observe and learn in our lab, outpatient, surgical theater, physiotherapy areas. Some paid job openings available.

An on-site, four-week programme to learn about the Pathological process of Leprosy (Hansen’s disease): Recognition of the early stages; Medical treatment; Management of impairment and disability; and Social aspects. Observe and learn in our lab, outpatient, surgical theater, physiotherapy areas.

Doctors, engineers, and rehabilitation officers needed for this ministry. We also have an on-site, four-week programme to learn about the Pathological process of Leprosy (Hansen’s disease): Recognition of the early stages; Medical treatment; Management of impairment and disability; and Social aspects. Observe and learn in our lab, outpatient, surgical theater, physiotherapy areas. Some paid job openings available. English is sufficient.

Our History

NLT is a Christian organization founded in 1972 by Eileen Lodge, a nurse who went to Nepal in the early 1950s. From small beginnings, NLT now runs one of the two busiest leprosy centres in the world, and deals with around 12,000 leprosy patients and 75,000 general patients each year.

Our Mission

NLT is working to eradicate leprosy and its stigma in Nepal, and to help people affected by leprosy, and their families and communities, to lift their lives out of poverty and disadvantage and enjoy health, well-being and respect.

Our Values

We regard every individual as precious and worthy of our utmost effort to help them, regardless of faith or creed, and we work with those marginalised by leprosy or other causes to restore dignity, independence and community participation. This work is done in the Spirit and love of Christ.

What We Do

NLT’s partner in Nepal – also called NLT – runs several fair trade handicraft workshops in Kathmandu, providing employment to people affected by leprosy, and/or marginalised for other reasons. NLT has also built and runs a leprosy referral centre in south east Nepal that provides free specialist medical treatment to around 12,000 leprosy patients, and low cost general medical care to around 75,000 general patients each year. Alongside this medical work we operate a busy and successful community development programme aimed at stigma reduction, poverty alleviation, and community transformation. Our work therefore impacts many thousands of people beyond those affected by leprosy.