Pilgrim Africa

Led by Ugandan native Calvin Echodu, Pilgrim Africa was founded as an indigenous Christian response to the plight of more than 1.5 million refugees living in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the war torn regions of Northern Uganda. From its inception over a decade ago as a small organization providing simple medical and nutritional relief and psycho-social support to desperate refugees, Pilgrim Africa has grown to be an international organization with regional and national interventions in Public Health and Education.

After several years of providing relief support to those suffering in the camps, Pilgrim Africa began to look to the future by working to resettle over 1,000 families from IDP camps to ancestral lands. Later, the Beacon of Hope Secondary School was founded in 2005, focused on educating abductees of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and war orphans.

Suffering from some of the worst malaria mortality/morbidity rates in the world, Pilgrim Africa was moved to enter the world of malaria control in 2008 and 2009, and pioneered a comprehensive set of interventions in two different districts in Teso (Katakwi and Kumi).

Since 2009, Pilgrim Africa has been engaged in an effort to enroll more administrative support for effective malaria control at the governmental level.

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