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Rafiki Foundation

The Rafiki Foundation is cultivating a multitude of godly contributors through Bible study and classical Christian education in Africa.

Help us transform the lives of thousands of impoverished children and impact the next generation of the world. Serve at any one of Rafiki’s 10 Villages.

• A model school
• A teacher training college

• 10-20 church schools in using the Rafiki Education System
• The music, arts, agriculture or athletics programs

Our History

The story of The Rafiki Foundation is inextricably woven with the life of its founder, Rosemary McEachern Jensen. Rosemary McEachern Jensen, born July 20, 1929, is the fourth of six children born to Don and Mayhoward McEachern. Raised in a log house on the banks of the St. Johns River near Jacksonville, Florida, Rosemary knew at an early age that she wanted to tell others about God.

In the summer of 1946 when a pastor challenged a group of youth to give their lives to the foreign mission field, Rosemary felt compelled to step forward and answer the call. That one step began a seven-decade journey in God’s service, first as a missionary to Tanzania, then as the executive director of Bible Study Fellowship International, and most recently as the president of The Rafiki Foundation, Inc.

Since 1985, the vision of the Rafiki Foundation has been to cultivate a multitude of godly contributors through Bible study and classical Christian education.

To accomplish this, Rafiki established 10 Rafiki Training Villages within the African countries of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Rafiki’s vision is carried out in each Village through six programs: Bible Study, Education, Teacher Training, Orphan Care, Outreach, and Widows.
Over the decades, God has sent out many men and women to join in this mission in Africa. Perhaps he is calling you!

Our Mission

Helping people know God and raise their standard of living with excellence and integrity. We help people know God through Bible study and raise their standard of living through education.

Our Values

Excellence, integrity, reformational truths, faith-based, with the church, classical, and missional

Rafiki seeks to do all things with excellence and integrity and we are committed to long term results and discipleship which takes time and requires resources and people.

In light of our commitment to excellence, integrity, and discipleship, we have high quality facilities, well trained missionaries and staff, a committed board of directors with varied and professional experience, and long-term relationships with the leaders of 25 African denominations.

We work in and through people, the body of Christ, to help people know God and raise their standard of living through Bible study and education.

What We Do

We seek to cultivate a multitude of godly contributors in Africa through Bible study and classical Christian education. Rafiki’s ten African Training Villages—Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia—provide a comprehensive ministry across Africa through six programs.

Rafiki Bible Study: covering all 66 books of the Bible, written by Reformed theologians and scholars, for all ages, seeks to give a theologically rich and comprehensive understanding of the Word of God to its readers. The Rafiki Bible Study is now available worldwide in formats for Small Groups, Sunday School, and Schools.

Orphan Care: gives orphans a home, food, familial care, and above all biblical instruction.

Education: an accredited, PreK-12, classical education that integrates a biblical worldview and the Great Works into a cohesive educational system. Rafiki Classical Christian School Curriculum is now available for purchase worldwide.

Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE): a three-year, free, teachers college for aspiring African Classical Christian educators.

Rafiki Widows Program: gives poor women of the church meaningful work, a means of self-support, and regular Bible study.

Outreach: providing study Bibles, commentaries, the Rafiki Bible Study, Rafiki Classical Christian School Curriculum, and trained teachers to African schools and/or African church denominations and seminaries.