
RestoringVision is the largest provider of new, pharmacy quality reading glasses and sunglasses to mission groups going to developing countries. There are 500 million people in need of readers and don’t have access to them. Its fast, efficient and easy. No professional experience needed. A great outreach tool as well as hundreds of people will come to your mission you might not other wise touch. Try this add on to your next mission and get your own experience.

Our History

RestoringVision has been providing reading glasses to1,400 organizations for 13 years to over 110 countries. We have distributed over 5 million glasses through our partners.

Our Mission

To get as many glasses on faces as we can. Providing sight not only enables the recipient to become a productive member of society again but has a direct impact on their ability to make a living.

Our Values

To change the lives of 10 million people by the end of the decade by providing sight, productivity and quality of live to the recipients of our glasses.

What We Do

To sustain ourselves, to charge a 50 cents a pair fee for our reading glasses and sunglasses. They are all new, high quality glasses that retail for $20 (to see them, go to any pharmacy and look at the Foster Grants). They come prepackaged by power and we provide a training video and eye charts on the website,

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