Rural Care Ministries

Rural Care Ministries is a Christian non-governmental Organization.

The main objective of the organization is to organize all kinds of development services for the greater benefit of downtrodden communities, women of remote rural and socioeconomically handicapped sectors of urban areas, particularly scheduled tribes. Schedule Cast and even of Socioeconomically handicapped sectors of remote rural and Urban areas as well as for longstanding perspective of sustainable Socioeconomic development by creating a source of permanent income generation.

The main theme of the objectives of the organization is to impart innovative moderate skills development training Programs among the underprivileged socioeconomically handicapped sectors downtrodden Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes Communities of remote rural and urban areas as well.

Our History

The Rural Care Ministries is a Christian non-governmental Organization Registered Under the Societies Registration Act – 35 of 2001. Registered on 20-03-2004 Since Inception it has the existence of 18 Years in the field of imparting General Education. The Society was established with the basic aim of providing social services to all communities but particularly to women and youth so they may become self-dependent & stand on their own feet.

Such social services include Handicapped welfare, education, Health, Nutrition, Family Welfare, Development of education, Women’s and child development and livelihood Programs, Awareness of sanitation, etc. The main aim of the society is to provide security and alertness among women and girls, child & technical training to these poor Class families mentioned above so they may become self-reliant. We have Income Tax Exemption permission for our organization like 12A and 80G. We have also FCRA permission to receive support from abroad.

Our Mission

RCM works among the women, children, adolescents, marginalized families, HIV affected people, Leprosy affected people, disability persons, orphan and semi orphan, destitute women, less fortunate, underprivileged, backward sections of minorities, tribals, occupational groups, old- age, infected or affected by life threatening diseases, prisoners, children of prisoners, other weaker sections
irrespective of regional, linguistic, caste, creed, religious, building skills, abilities and empower them in the areas of social support, fundamental rights, psychological, economic, education, employment, health, nutrition, disability, gender, environment, water and sanitation, good governance to transform their lives.

Our Values

To conduct children education, Health, Spiritual, women empowerment and community development programmes.

What We Do

We are conducting children education programmes, Conducting community based testing on HIV, Conducting Bible school for un0-trained pastors, conducting skill training for women and adolescents and laid drinking water pumps in rural areas.

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