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Seamen’s Christian Friends Society

Seafarers are strangers wherever they go.

Today well over a million men and women live in the twilight world of big shipping. It’s a lonely life. They roam the world’s oceans for up to 12 months at a time. They come from more than 100 different nations and speak dozens of languages.

SCFS Friends Around the World

We care enough to visit them. Our team of SCFS Friends based in 40 ports around the world spend their days boarding ship after ship. An SCFS Friend brings a welcome, an offer of friendship or a chance for a sympathetic talk and news of the Christian gospel.

Have a walk around our website. Let our staff introduce themselves to you, and please send us a message if you would like us to get in touch.

If you would live to support the SCFS you can send gifts by post using the details on our Giving to the SCFS page, or gifts may be made online using the Paypal link below