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SIFAT – Servants In Faith and Technology

Involved in countries in both Africa and South America, SIFAT (Servants In Faith and Technology)  focuses on clean water and sanitation technologies and provides training in sustainable agriculture. Practical Applied Technology workshops. Topics include environmental concerns, water purification, sanitation, alternative energy sources, clean-burning simple stoves and ovens, much more.

The idea of SIFAT was conceived in the jungles of Bolivia in 1976 when Ken and Sarah Corson and their four children moved to Sapecho to be pastors of a Bolivian Church. Realizing that the homesteaders there needed more than spiritual nourishment, Ken and Sarah began to work in integrated development with the people of the village.

The Quechuan mayor of the village and a great community leader, Benjo Paredes, became a Christian that year. He began to work with the Corsons. Benjo and Ken co-founded CENATEC (Centro Nacional de Tecnologia Sustenible), a nonprofit Christian organization in Bolivia. CENATEC was the mother organization out of which SIFAT was born. In 1979, the Corsons returned to Alabama and established SIFAT as a training center for meeting basic human needs. Since then, CENATEC and SIFAT continue to work closely in many endeavors.

SIFAT has extended its training ministry to all ages through campus programs, international mission teams and seminars and conferences. The goal is to help people from different countries, cultures and social classes understand each other and work together, so that every person can have a chance to develop into the person God intends for each to be. We want to bring the Kingdom of God closer to all.